Skin Therapy & Natural Remedies Ingredients

We are in the process of creating an informational resource for those who are interested in what we put in our products.

Stay in touch as we continue to update this page.


Antioxidants are substances that inhibit cellular damage by fighting free radicals and inhibiting oxidation.  Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables, and several vitamins such as C and E act as antioxidants.  Antioxidants such as CoQ10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid are found naturally in our bodies but amounts can diminish over time.  Substances such as polyphenols in fruits and vegetables can act as antioxidants while also benefiting our bodies in numerous other ways.  Antioxidants also inhibit cellular damage caused by UV rays.

Antioxidants fight free radical damage in skin

Plant Polypenols: Resveratrol, Grape Seed Extract, Green Tea Extract, Quecetin.

Skin is frequently exposed to a variety of environmental, chemical, and genotoxic agents that contribute to disease and carcinogenesis. Ultraviolet light (UVR) is the main external stress that leads to immunosuppresion, oxidative stress, premature aging, and tumor formation. Scientists and health professionals emphasize the importance of prevention strategies to circumvent such unfavorable outcomes. Plant polyphenols are a promising approach to disease prevention and treatment.


We put resveratrol in several of our moisturizers.  Resveratrol is an antioxidant polyphenol found in red wine, cocoa, and many other plants.  It is made by plants as a defense against mold, fungi, bacteria, and even UV rays.  It can help fight sun damage in human skin, as well has provide some sun blocking protection.  Resveratrol has also been shown to interfere with skin cancer growth and induce apoptosis (cell death) of abnormal cells.  It has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory capabilities. Below are a few links to studies done on the effects of resveratrol.

Resveratrol for Skin Disorders

Effect of Resveratrol on Skin Cancer

Anti-inflammatory Effects of Resverartol on Psoriasis 

Products that contain Resveratrol: 

Creme Complete, Creme Complete | Scent of RoseLotion RejuvenationRose Essential, Blist-Eeze, X Fungal

Grape Seed Extract

Another polyphenol antioxidant we put in many of our products is grape seed extract. The following is an excerpt from a summary from The US National Library of Medicine: "Grape seeds contain lipid, protein, carbohydrates, and 5-8% polyphenols depending on the variety. Polyphenols in grape seeds are mainly flavonoids, including gallic acid, the monomeric flavan-3-ols catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin, epigallocatechin, and epicatechin 3-O-gallate, and procyanidin dimers, trimers, and more highly polymerized procyanidins. Grape seed extract is known as a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from premature aging, disease, and decay. Grape seeds contains mainly phenols such as proanthocyanidins (oligomeric proanthocyanidins). Scientific studies have shown that the antioxidant power of proanthocyanidins is 20 times greater than vitamin E and 50 times greater than vitamin C. Extensive research suggests that grape seed extract is beneficial in many areas of health because of its antioxidant effect to bond with collagen, promoting youthful skin, cell health, elasticity, and flexibility. Other studies have shown that proanthocyanidins help to protect the body from sun damage, to improve vision, to improve flexibility in joints, arteries, and body tissues such as the heart, and to improve blood circulation by strengthening capillaries, arteries, and veins." -

Other studies have shown that gallic acid in grape seed extract helps to induce apoptosis in many different types of cancer, as well as skin cancer.  Grape Seed Extract also has antimicrobial effects on bacteria- including Staph, fungi, and viruses. Below are a few links to studies done on the effects of grape seed extract

Grape Seed Proanthocyanidines and Skin Cancer Prevention

Gallic Acid in Grape Seed Extract Induces Apoptosis in Abnormal Cells 

Effects of Gallic Acid and Epigallocatechin (both in Grape Seed Extract) on Pancreatic Cancer

Bactericidal effect of grape seed extract on Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Anti-Virus Effect of Grape Seed Extract

Products that contain Grape Seed Extract:

Perrin's Blend, Creme Complete, Creme Complete | Scent of Rose, Lotion Rejuvenation, Sun Screen, Nutra Cream, Ultra Nurture, Lip Balm, Blist-Eeze, X Fungal, Cool Cleanse.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is an abundant source of plant polyphenols that exhibit significant antioxidant, chemopreventive, and immunomodulatory effects in protecting the skin, and exhibiting numerous effects that are potentially beneficial for human health. Accumulating evidence suggests that green tea polyphenols confer protective effects on the skin against ultraviolet (UV) irradiation-induced acceleration of skin aging, involving antimelanogenic, antiwrinkle, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects as well as prevention of immunosuppression.

Protective Mechanisms of Green Tea Polyphenols in Skin

Molecular mechanisms of green tea polyphenols with protective effects against skin photoaging

Products that contain Green Tea Extract: Revive


Quercetin is a flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables that has many health benefits.  It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities.  Studies have been done on the effects of quercetin which suggest it may be beneficial for treating and preventing several conditions which include heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and high cholesterol.  Quercetin also has antiviral capabilities which is why we put it in our Blist-Eeze, a natural cream for fever blisters and cold sores.  Below are several studies describing the antiviral activity of quercetin. 

Antiviral effects of bioflavonoids on the hepatitis C virus life cycle

Quercetin as an Antiviral Agent Inhibits Influenza A Virus Entry

Quercetin-induced apoptosis prevents EBV infection

Products that contain Quercetin:


Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant by itself but it also recycles vitamin C and vitamin E.  It can restore the antioxidant properties of these vitamins after they have neutralized free redicals.When taken internally alpha lipoic acid has shown time and again in clinical trials to be successful for protecting cells from free-radical damage.  Free radicals are unstable molecules caused from normal situations like metabolism to unhealthy activities like smoking, and are a major culprit of wrinkling and the loss of firmness associated with normal aging. Alpha lipoic acid could also come to play an important role in the prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease because it is known as a metabolic antioxidant.  Without alpha lipoic acid cells cannot use sugar to produce energy.

Recent studies suggest that topical application of alpha lipoic acid may be effective against wrinkles and scars.  In fact, lipoic acid is less irritating than tretinoin (Retin A, Renova) and hydroxy acids. Therefore it can be used in delicate and wrinkle prone area around the eyes.

Products that contain Alpha Lipoic Acid:

Perrin's BlendCreme CompleteCreme Complete | Scent of RoseLotion RejuvenationSun ScreenNutra CreamUltra NurtureBlist-EezeX FungalCool Cleanse

N-Acetyl Cysteine

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an antioxidant with many potential health benefits.  It is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine with many potential health benefits when taken internally as a supplement and also when applied directly to the skin.

From the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology: In recent studies, N-acetylcysteine has been shown to be efficacious in several dermatologic conditions. Efficacy of N-acetylcysteine was shown in excoriation disorder, onychophagia disorder, trichotillomania, acne vulgaris, Type I lamellar ichthyosis, bullous morphea, systemic sclerosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis, atopic dermatitis, xeroderma pigmentosum, and pseudoporphyria. Studies also show benefits in wound healing and photoprotection. The review of available literature suggests that N-acetylcysteine could potentially serve as a safe, tolerable, and effective therapeutic option for a variety of dermatologic conditions.

Products that contain N-Acetyl Cysteine:

Perrin's BlendCreme CompleteCreme Complete | Scent of RoseLotion RejuvenationSun ScreenNutra CreamUltra NurtureBlist-EezeX FungalSilk ComfortCool Cleanse


CoQ10 is an important antioxidant enzyme found in every cell of the human body, including the skin.  Our bodies produce it naturally, but over time levels of this important enzyme can decline due to many different aging factors.  As the amount of CoQ10 declines so does our body's ability to fight the aging process and as well as various diseases incuding heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. 

Topical application of CoQ10 can benefit the skin.  Most people over the age of 30 have below optimum levels of CoQ10 in their skin.  CoQ10 plays an important factor in collagen and elastin production, which effects the skin's elasticity. Furthermore, the antioxidant properties of CoQ10 help the skin respond better to free radical damage and therefore helps the skin fight many problems including those induced by sun damage. 

Coenzyme Q10-containing formulas improves skin's Q10 level and provides antioxidative effects

Wrinkles, UVA damage improves with CoQ10

CoQ10 improves wound healing

CoQ10 may help rejuvenate the skin and fight UVB incuded wrinkle formation

Products that contain CoQ10:

Creme CompleteCreme Complete | Scent of RoseLotion RejuvenationSun ScreenUltra NurtureBlist-Eeze, Silk ComfortX Fungal


Natural Vitamin E  (D Alpha Tocopherol)

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that research has shown to have a variety of benefits for the skin.  Studies have shown vitamin E may help decrease the effects if psoriasis and erythema, in the reduction of stretch marks, in the reduction of scarring from wounds, and it may help to reduce the risk of skin cancer.  A study from Duke University concluded that "Appreciable photoprotection can be obtained from the combination of topical vitamins C and E. We suggest that these natural products may protect against skin cancer and photoaging". 

Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus treated with Vitamin E

Antioxidant defense in actinic keratosis and basal cell carcinoma.

Vitamin E in the Maintenance of Lichen Sclerosus

Products that contain vitamin E: 

Perrin's BlendCreme CompleteCreme Complete | Scent of RoseLotion RejuvenationSun ScreenNutra CreamUltra NurtureLip BalmBlist-EezeX FungalCool Cleanse, Beauty Oil, Massage Oil, Silk Comfort, ItchEeze.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

The presence of ascorbate is required for a range of essential metabolic reactions in all animals and plants. It is made internally by almost all organisms, humans being the most well-known exception, which means we have to get it from our food.  It is widely known that vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy in humans. 

Vitamin C is one of the most common antioxidants.  It recharges other antioxidants like vitamin E.  It helps prevent premature aging and is is required for the synthesis of collagen in the skin.  Collagen can be seen as the foundation of healthy and young looking skin.  Collagen is the main protein of connective tissue in humans, making up about 25% of the total protein content.  Vitamin C may also help fight UV damage.  As mentioned above, a study from Duke University concluded that "Appreciable photoprotection can be obtained from the combination of topical vitamins C and E. We suggest that these natural products may protect against skin cancer and photoaging".  Vitamin C also contains anti-viral and antibacterial properties.

Benefits of topically applied vitamin C 

Vitamin C and E defence in Actinic Keratosis and Basal Cell Carcinoma 

Products that contain Vitamin C:

Perrin's BlendCreme CompleteCreme Complete | Scent of RoseLotion RejuvenationSun ScreenNutra CreamUltra NurtureBlist-EezeX FungalCool Cleanse


Vitamin D

Vitamin D can help control the proliferation of skin cells that lead to psoriatic lesions.  Vitamin D deficiency may lead to skin malignancies (skin cancer).  Topically applied Vitamin D may reduce DNA damage in skin that leads to skin cancer.

Vitamin A

The body uses vitamin A for maintenance of healthy skin, good vision and a robust immune system.  It is also a free radical fighting antioxidant and therefore is anti-aging. Vitamin A is a carotenoid which is a class of photochemicals that is a fat soluable pigment found in yellow, red, green, and orange vegetables and fruits.  Carotenoids act as anticancer agents.  Alpha lipoic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin C, help conserve carotenoids in tissue.  Research done by Fisher et al in 1998 at the University of Michigan Medical School suggests that higher levels of vitamin A within the skin may prove to have therapeutic and anti-aging value immediately following UV (sun) exposure.  Vitamin A stimulates the removal and replacement of damaged skin components. 


Biotin is also know an as vitamin H.  It is needed for healthy skin, hair, and nails.  It can be found in many hair care products.  Biotin aids in cell growth, in fatty acid production, in the maetbolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  In infants, a condition called seborrheic dermatitis, or craddle cap which consists of a dry and flaky scalp may be the result of a deficiency of biotin.

Vegetable Oils

Grape Seed Oil

Grape Seed Oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, smooths and gives tone and glow to the skin, and can even help to fight wrinkles and other signs of aging.

High in Linoleic Acid 

Grape Seed Oil is high in Linoleic Acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid part of the Omega 6 fatty acids.  It is found in various vegetable oils, but is particularly high in grape seed oil and  safflower oil.  Linoleic helps to retain moisture in the skin, has anti-inflammatory effects, and aids in wound healing.  

According to reasearch a combination of Vitamin C and Linoleic may help age-associated senile dryness and skin thinness.

Linoleic acid has also been shown to help acne prone skin. Low levels of linoleic acid can lead to more oil production which can lead to more breakouts.  Individuals with acne often have low levels of linoleic acid and high levls of oleic acid in their sebum, which causes the sebum to become thick and sticky, and clog pores

Organic Safflower Oil

Safflower oil is derived from the seeds of the safflower plant.  Safflower oil is rich in the essential omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid.  Safflower oil is one of the richest sources of linoleic acid, which is necessary for the endogenous production of ceramides, key components of the epidermal layer that play a crucial role in barrier function and help the skin retain water.  It is a light oil and is easily and quickly absorbed into the skin.

Sweet Almond Oil

Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E, A, Zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.  From PubMed:  "Historically, almond oil had been used in Ancient Chinese, Ayurvedic and Greco-Persian schools of Medicine to treat dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Further, it is through anecdotal evidence and clinical experiences that almond oil seemingly reduces hypertrophic scarring post-operatively, smoothes and rejuvenates skin. Almond oil has emollient and sclerosant properties and, therefore, has been used to improve complexion and skin tone."

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich is omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, D, A, and K, as well as antioxiant polyphenols.  It is anti-inflammatory and moisturizes and softens skin.  It has been used for centuries to treat a variety of skin conditions, including psoriasis and eczema. 

Organic Rose Hip Seed Oil

Rosehip oil is loaded with skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids. It has been prized since ancient times for its valuable healing benefits.  Rosehip oil also contains phenols that have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. Rosehip oil is rich in essential fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acid.  It is also anti-inflammatory

Rosehip oil is loaded with vitamins A and C, both of which are necessary for the production of collagen.  Collagen is the building block of skin. It is essential for skin elasticity and firmness, but your body makes less collagen as you age. Rosehip has also been shown to inhibit the creation of MMP-1, an enzyme that breaks down collagen in the body.

Organic Castor Oil

Castor oil has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, which makes iy useful for treating irritated skin. It is also antimicrobial and may also protect the skin from bacterial and viral infections. Castor oil also contains triglycerides, which help maintain moisture in the skin, making it a useful treatment for dry skin.  It also humectant properties, meaning that it draws moisture from the air into the skin, keeping the skin hydrated. Castor oil has also shown to improve acne.  Castor oil contains between 80 and 90% ricinoleic acid, an unusual fatty acid that gives castor oil some of its unique properties.

Organic Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil is an all natural vegetable oil extracted from the Jojoba bean. Jojoba Oil is actually a liquid wax that is structurally very similar to the natural sebum produced by our own skin. Jojoba oil is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and does not clog pores.  It is safe to use around the eyes and does not leave a greasy residue.  Jojoba Oil is an antioxidant, is antibacterial, and is a natural fungicide. It has been shown to improve acne, help hair loss, cure cradle cap, and relieve sunburn. Jojoba Oil can also be used as a massage oil or just to nourish, revitalize and moisturize the skin. Coconut oil contains vitamin E and is composed primarily of nourishing fatty acids.  Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, a fatty acid with antibacterial properties, which can help fight acne.  Coconut oil also naturally anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.

Organic Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains vitamin E and is composed primarily of nourishing fatty acids.  Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, a fatty acid with antibacterial properties, which can help fight acne.  Coconut oil also naturally anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory.

The effect of topical virgin coconut oil on dermatitis

Organic Aloe Vera

Aloe vera consists of many biologically active substances.  These include vitamins, minerals, polysaccharides, glycoprotein, enzymes, anthraquinones or phenolic compounds (just to name a few).  These substances play important roles in anti-inflammatory response, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant activity, immunoregulation effects, and especially in wound healing.

Some studies suggest that aloe vera has anti-viral and antibacterial properties.  In one study aloe was mixed with the following viruses: herpes, chickenpox, rabies, and flu. Aloe killed these viruses in 15 minutes. Electron microscopic exam demonstrated that the structures surrounding the viruses were torn apart, thus showing how aloe kills certain viruses in vitro. Dermatologists have shown considerable interest in aloe vera due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. In in vitro studies, marked zones of inhibition (bacteriostatic activity) were shown for Staphylococcus aureus  209, E. coli, Streptococcus pyogenes, Coryenbacterium xerose, Shigella paradysenteriae, Salmonella typhosa, Salmonella schotimuelleri, and Salmonella paratyphi.

Aloe Vera as an anti-inflammatory

Some studies have show aloe vera gel to have anti-inflammatory effects superior than 1% hydrocortisone cream and has been effective in treating a number of skin conditions.

A little bit of history: Aloe vera has been used since ancient times because of its  benefits for dry and cracked skin, burns, blisters, frostbite, insect bites, and allergic reactions. Many ancient works, including the Bible, refer to the use of aloe. One of the first documented users of aloe vera was Cleopatra.  She is said to have used the gel on her skin as protection from the sun, and to have thought the gel helped to keep her skin young-looking. In fact, the Egyptians may have used aloe vera in their embalming of bodies, among other uses.  In the 10th Century, the Europeans were introduced, where it became an important ingredient in many herbal medicines. By the 16th Century, aloe arrived in the West Indies, where still today it is grown and  harvested.  Today, the gel found in the leaves is used for soothing minor burns, wounds, and various skin conditions like eczema and ringworm. The use of this herbal medicine was popularized in the 1950's in many Western Countries. The gel's effect is nearly immediate, plus it also applies a layer over wounds that is said to reduce the chance of any infection.

Vegetable Butters:

Organic Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is rich in vitamin E and vitamin K.  It is high in fatty acids, and is great for skin conditioning for its ability to hydrate, nourish, and improve skin elasticity. The fat in cocoa butter forms a protective barrier over skin to hold in moisture.  Cocoa butter is also rich in natural plant compounds called phytochemicals. These substances may slow skin aging by protecting against damage caused by the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Organic Shea Butter

Shea butter is fat that is extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. Shea trees are native to West Africa, and most shea butter comes from that region.  Even though Shea butter is technically extracted from a tree nut, there are very few allergic reactions associated with shea butter. 

Shea butter is moisturizing.  Because it is high in linoleic acid and oleic acid, both of which are easily absorbed into the skin, it doesn’t clog pores or leave an oily residue.  It is anti-inflammatory and may help conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.  It also contains significant amounts of vitamins E and A, which promotes antioxidant activity. 

Other uses of shea butter are aiding of wound healing, the soothing of sunburns, reduction of appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks and scarring, and collagen production.

Shea butter has sun blocking properties, and has a natural SPF of 3-4.

Organic Beeswax

We use organic beeswax instead of petroleum because it contains “wax esthers” that also exist in human skin.  It is a natural hydrating agent that increases essential moisture in the skin.  Beeswax has a very low irritation potential and promotes healing and softening of skin and is an antiseptic. Historically, Beeswax was used in Greece to treat abscesses, by the Assyrians to heal wounds, and by the Egyptians for mummification. Numerous scientific tests have been conducted with a variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms.  A study recently found that a mixture of honey, beeswax and olive oil inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans isolated from human specimens.


Honey contains vitamins riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin C, and minerals Zinc and selenium.  It has multiple antioxidants:  chrysin, pinobanksin, catalase, pinocembrin, and as many as 20 amino acids.  It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.  It can aid in wound healing, retard wrinkle formation, and regulate pH.  From PubMed:  Honey is particularly suitable as a dressing for wounds and burns and has also been included in treatments against pityriasis, tinea, seborrhea, dandruff, diaper dermatitis, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, and anal fissure.

Organic Vegetable Glycerin

Vegetable glycerin is a skin-friendly humectant that attracts water into the skin as well as a binding agent that occurs naturally in vegetables.  It is anti-bacterial and works to make the skin supple while fighting dryness and scaling. It is invaluable as a natural source ingredient with emollient like properties which can soften and soothe the skin and it assists the outer epidermis in retaining moisture. It is also a natural preservative.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils are compounds extracted from plants that capture the "essence" of the plant - its scent.  While many essential oils are used for the therapeutic calming effects of their scent, they also can have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.  We use essential oils in our products to create a pleasing overall scent of the product.  We also use them for their antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which in turn can act as a natural preservative.  The essential oils we use include but are not limited to:

Lavender, Geranium, Frankincense, Rosemary, Cedar Wood, Clove, Cinnamon, Tea Tree, Lemongrass, Lemon, Bergamot, Orange, Patchouli, Peppermint, Thyme, Oregano, Coriander.

Below are a few examples of the the therapeutic properties of essential oils.

Lavender Oil

Human clinical studies have reported that lavender essential oil may be beneficial in a variety of conditions, including insomnia, alopecia (hair loss), anxiety, stress, and postoperative pain.  It may also have antibacterial and antiviral properties. Because of its aroma, lavender oil many times is used massage therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic manipulation.

Peppermint Oil

Antiviral effect of peppermint oil on herpes simplex virus

Essential Oils as Antimicrobials to Treat Skin Diseases

Natural Emulsyfing Agents 

Organic Lecithin

Sodium Bicarbonate

Organic Corn Starch

Cream of Tartar

Xanthan Gum