• Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus

    Natural Creams for Lichen Sclerosus.

    The Ultimate Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus

Natural Remedy for Lichen Sclerosus.

A Multifaceted Natural Approach to Healing Lichen Sclerosus Using an Array of Vitamins and Antioxidants

Revitalize Your Skin, Reclaim Your Life:

Our All-Natural Solution Harnesses Vitamins, Botanicals, and Antioxidants to repair skin.

Experience the Difference with Natural, Non-Steroid Creams for Symptom Relief and Skin Restoration associated with Lichen Sclerosus.

Pure and Natural Relief: Free from Steroids, Chemicals, Parabens, Petroleum, or Artificial Preservatives.

For purchasing outside the United States: Australia - United Kingdom - Canada

Creme Complete Refinement

Creme Complete

Best selling and the most recommended by our customers.

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Nutra Cream Bright Label crp.jpg

Nutra Cream

The Mildest Cream. Used as a first step for severe and painful conditions.

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Perrin's Blend Bright Label crp

Perrin's Blend

The Strongest Approach.
Often used as a night treatment.

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Product Return Rate: Less than 1% - Less than 1 product in 100 orders.

Customer Satisfaction Rate? 99%

If you are unsatisfied with any of our products, you may return them within 60 days for refund or an exchange


All the Testimonies are real and received without solicitation or compensation. We enjoy sharing the testimonies we receive with others. We are happy when we know our products have helped others and we love to share this information.  We also believe the feedback we receive from customers helps to guide others to make the better choice concerning how they use our products.  We provide products to the public that we ourselves use and consume.  Our goal is to help improve people's lives.

Disclaimer: None of the statements on this website have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  None of the products sold on this website are meant to cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease.  Discontinue use of any product on this website if irritation occurs.  We do not suggest anyone use these products instead of seeing a licensed medical professional. 

You may experience a complete remission LS symptoms. 

If a complete remission occurs, customers are encouraged to continue to use the Crème Complete periodically to help to control the symptoms.  Reading the testimonies will help you gain an understanding of how others have used these products and the results they have had.  The testimonies are not edited.


Our products improve people's lives.

Emailed Testimonials Concerning Lichen Sclerosus

There's no guarantee of specific results and results can vary


"Just writing to let you know the Perrins Blend and Creme Complete works wonderfully"

Lichen Sclerosis Lesion, involving Perrin’s Blend and the Crème Complete, from Roberta in Ohio

Hi Judy,
Just writing to let you know the Perrins Blend and Creme Complete works wonderfully.

I have a disease called Lichen Schelrosis, it is a disease of the skin that affects many women around the vulva area leaving lesions as it does it damage. LS in itself does not cause Cancer but the Lesions it leaves behind can go into cancer and that was what happened to me over 2 1/2 years ago requiring extensive surgery in that area. I was diagnosed with stage 2 Sqameous Cell carcinoma cancer and the doctor was able to remove all of that and was doing well till about a couple of months ago when I had noticed more lesions forming and not wanting to heal - that is the first sign that something is not right.  Not too anxious to go thru the surgery again I began looking and praying for God to lead me to something natural to use. I began searching websites for products and was drawn to your website twice.

I had called you and talked with you about the product. I found out that no one else that you knew of had used the cremes in the area in which I was going to. But I decided to try it anyway because  I knew it was all natural and nothing was in it that would hurt me. So I ordered some Perrins blend and creme complete and proceeded to use the Perrins blend at night because it is a little guey. I used the Creme complete during the day when I went to work to keep the high antioxidents on it all the time.  To start with the Perrings Blend did burn quite a bit the first fifteenn minutes after applying.  There was an initial burning for about 2 weeks then the more I used it the  less it burned and I could feel that it was making the lesions smaller and it was like pieces of the lesion were starting to flake off and the terrible itching that is associated with LS was not as bad.  I had went to my Doctor during this time frame and he had scheduled me for a Biopsy and to remove the lesion on May 15th of this year.  I told him that the lesions were starting to feel better, it didn't hurt to touch them anymore and I wasn't sure it would be necessary for him to do that,  but he insisted we proceed so I agreed knowing that it would also give me piece of mind to know for sure that the cremes I had been using were in fact working .  May 15th the surgery and biopsies were done at the Cleveland clinic and he told me it would be 7 days before they knew.  On the 7th day I was anxious to know so I called and talked with the nurse and she said the tests came back and I was a number 1 on the scale - zero being normal skin, 1 being low moderate risk, 2 being medium moderate risk, 3 being high moderate risk and 4 being cancer.  The nurse also made the comment she was sure the cremes I had been using were definitely working because I had dropped 2 points from the other biopsies that had been taken in previous months.  She said if she were me she would keep using those cremes. Also  when I had went back for post op appointment she had made the comment again before she left the room that I should keep using the cremes that there was definitely an inprovement. This is also the first time in the 2 1/2 years that he is going to let me come back to see him in 6 months rather than every 3 months.

You can use this on your website testimony postings if It will help someone else.  Cause it sure helped me and healing from the surgery was not so bad - it seemed to heal fast and I also attribute that to the cremes.  LS is a terrible disease and no one knows what causes it yet and I have been told that not enough people have it to be a priority in finding a cure. So thank goodness for good caring people like you and your family.  God Bless you!!*

Roberta - Ohio


"The cliterol hood had completely reconstructed itself as had the labia....."

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete and restoration of the clitoris and labia, from Alisa in New Zealand.  (First posted on Perrin Naturals LS forum)

My name is Alisa, I'm 40 years old, live in New Zealand and would like to share my feedback  and  story on the Perrins product Creme Complete.

After my first son was born nearly 6 years ago, I developed an itch in my genital area. Having always suffered with thrush I put it down to that as I was also having some discharge. Progressively the itching got worse and worse to the point of me literally putting holes in my underwear trying to get some relief. Having never been one to self examine, I just carried on itching and didn't even look at the area in any great detail. I did notice my labilia  looking bruised but I put that down to all the itching. Over the course of the next 4 years I had several smear tests and swabs taken. Results would come back as abnormal, which would lead to colposcopies (3 of them) which would lead to no cancer being found - phew. I never asked about the itching, I just assumed that one of the many professionals who kept looking at that area would notice something or a result would show up an answer......how wrong I was. Finally on my 3rd colposcopy, I plucked up the courage to ask the gynecologist - she took a better look, mentioned Lichen Sclerosus, referred me to my doctor, who referred me to a leading medical specialist in LS over here, who confirmed the original gynecologist's diognosis. What a performance.....but we got there in the end. The result...my cliterol hood had been completely destroyed as had most of my labia, and it was spreading into my childbirth scars and anal area.

Of course Dermol was prescribed, which I have to say at least stopped the itching fairly quickly and gave me time to regather my thoughts about this product and decide I wanted an alternative. I scoured the internet hoping for something available in New Zealand but nothing  - so I broadened my search and found Perrins. I purchased both creme complete and perrins blend - in complete fear that the site was a hoax and my credit card would get charged thousands of dollars!!! I found the perrins blend hard to apply and being fairly lazy decided to start with the easier option.  Three or four times a day at first, then after a month and I could see (I now perform regular self exams) the improvement I reduced to twice a day. 5 months after I started with Creme Complete I had a follow up appointment with the LS specialist, luckily (and please make sure your specialist does this) she took a photo the first time round so we could see the improvement. The cliterol hood had completely reconstructed itself as had the labia, in fact she said the skin looks normal with just a small area of whiteness. YAY!!! She didn't and still doesn't believe me that I'm using only a natural cream to achieve this result and refuses to endorse Perrins products on her LS website (highly irritating).

However with this awesome news I got complacent and reduced the use of the cream....sometimes missing a day etc. It's come back - not as bad but it's starting again so I'm back on 3 or 4 times daily - clearly you can't cure this obnoxious auto immune disorder but you can keep it under control. For me the Dermol helped to initially stop the itching and gave me some instant relief but the Creme Complete has been the wonder cream that I was looking for. It's so nice to feel 'normal' and be using a natural product that works with the body.

So, thank you Perrins, for producing a product that helped me (and clearly lots of others) to cope with this condition.


"The nurses were amazed at the change in the ulcers...."

Lichen Sclerosus Ulcers, involving the Crème Complete, from Vicky in Australia

I sent a testimony on my 85 year old mother in august 2013. She has lichens sclerosis like never seen by the Dermatology Department in Qld Australia. The disease was so bad it was almost unrecognisable s this particular disease which resulted in huge tropical ulcer type ulcers which were badly infected like raw flesh eating very large sores over extensive areas on lower back hips buttocks and vagina regions. It was the most painful dehabiliting thing I have ever seen. She was in hospital for 9 months with constant baths in condes crystals which were extremely painful. any water applied to these ulcers was beyond belief in the pain department as well as movement of any sort. Life was not much fun and on occasion she shut down her mind and we nearly lost her.  She was treated with the maximum doses of methatraxate and predisone both drugs wrecked her immune system she was contracted phnemonia, an eye infection which saw her close to losing an eye and left her with permanent scarring and loss of site, minor heart attach, Golden staff infection.

Out of sheer frustration I began searching the internet for more information on this terrible disease. I read about many things people tried. I have a feeling God was directing me as Perrins Products shone out of my search. So with much prayer in my heart I ordered the Crème Complete. The Dermatologist first tried it on her arm to make sure their was ne allergic reaction. then he allowed it on an ulcer on her neck which had been their for a vey long time. This healed in three weeks. After a lot of pleading the nurses were allowed to use it on one ulcer on hip area. After it also began healing we final got the ok to use over the whole area. Healing began slowly. the nurses were amazed at the change in the ulcers daily and told me so. The doctor said it was doing no harm. Well enough healing took place to have her transferred to a nursing Centre closer to home. 9 months of hospital had left her extremely weak, loss of sight and very much bedridden. She has been in the centre for 3 weeks now. the Lichens Scerosis on her back and hips has completely healed. On the buttocks the healing is now allowing her to sit without pain and I have been able to get her into the car without pain and take her shopping and bring her home for a few hours each day. The vaginal areas are also no longer red weepy sores and the healing is amazing. The doctors are still say it is a combination of the drugs and the crème could be a part of that. The nurses in the nursing centre are using the crème complete extensively now everywhere and for the first time in 9 months she does not have any need for dressings and her skin is healed with only a couple of minor ulcers left to heal over.

All I can say is since ordering the Crème Complete and applying it generously to the affected areas, my mother has come from completely bedridden and near death about three times in this 9 month period, to now being able to wear clothes again to move without pain, to go shopping an once again actually enjoy being alive. I never thought I would be saying that again, by the Grace of God I believe he has given my mother her life back using the wonderful products Created by Perrins. Right now I cant even begin to thank you for this product. I think we have used 8 bottles. We will continue using while finances allow. it is the best thing that has happened to my mother in the last 12months.


"I found almost immediate relief from the burning, and a much quicker reduction in symptoms, and now experiencing a full remission."

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, from Suzanne in Florida

Dear James, Jim, and Judy,  

I am writing to thank you for sharing your God-given products with others. I have had amazing results using the Perrin's Complete [Creme Complete] for a condition known as Lichen Sclerosis. I had been reluctantly using steroid creams for 2 years with only marginal success, and frequent,painful exacerbations. I had been searching for something with fewer side effects, long term, and more effective pain relief. Imagine my joy in finding incredible and lasting improvement with use of Perrin's Complete [Creme Complete]! I did try the Perrin's Blend initially, but found the burning, in acutely excoriated areas, much too uncomfortable, so I switched to the Complete [Creme Complete}. I found almost immediate relief from the burning, and a much quicker reduction in symptoms, and now experiencing a full remission. I will never be without this "miracle"product" nearby,and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! May the heavens smile on you and yours,always.*



"He [the Doctor] looked at us and said: 'This must be some kind of a miracle. Your daugther doesn't have Lichen Scleroses at all.' "

Lichen Sclerosus Lesion, involving Perrin’s Blend and the Creme Complete, from Eva in Norway

Hello Judy,

The order arrived to our adress here in Norway Septermber 24, and my daugther (18) started using Perrins Blend that very evening. At first using the product gave her a burning kind of feeling, but that stopped after a few days.

Some weeks before we ordered Perrins Blend + The Creme Complete from your store, my daugther went to see her doctor and he found out she had Lichen Skleroses and was given steroids as treatment.

She was very depressed by the diagnosis, and so I surfed the Internet to learn more and look for alternative ways of treatment. Then we found and ordered your wonderful products.

My daugther has been using both creams every day since they arrived.  Two weeks ago, she went to her doctor again to check out how she was doing regading Lichen Skleroses. Her doctor didn't know anything about her using your products. After he was done with the  examination he called me into his office (my daugther was still there). He looked at us and said: " This must be some kind of a miracle . Your daugther doesn't have Lichen Scleroses at all. I don't understand it, so maybee I was wrong the first time she was here..."  He seemed a little confused about it all.

My daugther looked at me and then told the doctor that she had used "Perrins Blend" and "Creme Complete" for about two months. He told us that he really  didn't believe in that kind of alternative treatment, but as long as no Lichen Scleroses was present any more he couldn't deny the effect...

Now my daughter uses the Creme Complete almost every day and is feeling well.

After I send you this message i will go to your internet store to make a new order of your wonderful products.*

Best regards,


"Within 3 short weeks there are little to no symptoms of what has wreak havoc on my life!"

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, from Brandie in Ohio


My name is Brandie. I am composing this testimony by my own free will, and not for capital or monetary  gain.  I have been struggling with Lichen Sclerosus probably longer than I can remember. But it became severe in January 2009.I had all the classic symptoms: Itching, scratching, burning, bleeding,the  toad skin, and white marks on my vulva.  I had become so distraught I often wondered if I could have my female parts removed all together. I had tried EVERYTHING. First it was yeast infection creams,then anti fungal cream,then hydrogen peroxide,then coconut oil, then antibiotic ointment with pain relief because the pain was so bad it hurt to walk.I ordered Emu oil,Ozonated olive oil,both of the last two would soothe the problem for a short while so I went to the dermatologist and was promptly prescribed steroid cream.This made the problem much worse. So in a final desperate attempt I saw an ad for Perrins Blend in a sidebar on a search engine. I figured "why not?" and to my satisfaction and utter amazement! within 3 short weeks there are little to no symptoms of what has wreak havoc on my life! I ordered the Perrins cream complete at the advisement of a nice man who took my order.  He indicated to me that the regular blend [Perrin’s Blend] may be too strong for my skin.  Well let me just say to all who are in doubt.  JUST TRY IT! PLEASE TRY IT! I ordered my first jar on October 20th 2009.  And today November 16th I have my body back!  I sleep at night! I can wear pants! I am not ashamed for my husband to touch me.I will never be able to show my gratitude in words for Roberta who originally pressed the issue to try it out on herself as a guinea pig.  She is an absolute angel for being so generous with her findings! I spoke with Mrs. Perrin today and expressed how grateful I am for her combining these ingredients and sharing them with the world.Her response was "We take no credit" " God helped us to create it." Now how many corporate companies or Dr's are humble in this way? I think we all know the answer.  I will forever be a customer.*

God Bless.


"No more of that razor blade feeling of splitting tissue."

Lichen Sclerosus Lesion, involving Perrin’s Blend and the Creme Complete, From Kathy in Michigan

You truly have a marvelous product.  I have been meaning to send you a testimonial, but have not gotten to it as yet.  My condition was with Lichen Sclerouis. (Probably spelled this wrong.)  To make this brief, I had been suffering with this painful condition for about 2 weeks when I ordered your product. Had been to two doctors.  Then I had read many of your postings and found a couple that were similar to my situation so I ordered your product.  I had hoped to receive it on a Friday, but I did not receive it until the following Monday.  That Monday I could not wait to start using Perrin's Blend.  After only one overnight application, my painful lesions had "scabbed" over.  Something that after 2 weeks of applying a cortesone cream was still not healing, in fact, was getting worse day by day.  After 2 days I was totally out of pain.  No more of that razor blade feeling of splitting tissue.  After a week, it was gone.

I read many articles and testimonials and this condition and that it is considered chronic.  However, I have not had any relapse or any evidence that I will. *

Thank you so very  much!


"I would just like to say how impressed I am with creme complete."

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete,  From Marc in Great Britain

Hi James,

I would just like to say how impressed I am with creme complete. My Lichen sclerosis has gone after using the product for just over a month. The White patches have not completely disappeared but almost there. Thanks, your product truly is special. *


"I have not touched the steroid cream for several months since I've been using Perrin's Crème Complete"

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, From Jo in Portland, OR

Thank you.

I found your cream several months ago when I was researching Lichen Sclerosis. Thank God one person had sent you a testimony so your website showed up during my search. When I went back to the site to reorder I noticed you now have several testimonies. Feel free to add mine (keeping my full name confidential).

My first symptoms were intermittent rawness and constant bladder discomfort. When outward symptoms appeared (white, rough and I looked like a head of cauliflower), my naturopathic doctor sent me to a gynecologist who diagnosed lichen sclerosis and gave me the steroid cream (Clobetasol). It worked but the symptoms soon returned. The prognoses for anyone on the steroid cream is grim--increased thinning of tissues until nothing much is left--and that's the good news! I've read horror stories from so many people for whom the pain and misery of the disease progresses in spite of the treatment. I have not touched the steroid cream for several months since I've been using Perrin's Crème Complete and I seem to be doing just fine.

I also successfully used it to eliminate a ominous-looking skin patch on my arm that was growing back after having it removed by a doctor a few years ago.

Other uses: this is the absolute best hand cream I've ever used. It makes my very rough hands soft and takes the discomfort of dryness away.

Jo in Portland, OR

I would love to discuss with other women how they use the creams (how often, how long after symptoms are gone, etc.). Have you ever considered adding a discussion forum on your website? That would allow us to share our information without the FDA accusing you of making claims (at least I hope it would). If the FDA ever considers messing with you, please let me know so I can buy a lifetime supply. I truly don't know what I would do without this stuff. *


"what a blessing...."

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, From Diana in California

hello, my name is diana,

i would like to talk about how you have helped me so much,

im a first time user of perrin's cream complete, i have only had the product for 2 day's and started using it on my lichen sclerosis, right away i felt relife, no burning , itching, and now i'm not even scratching and bleeding like i was doing.

i have sever lichen sclerosis, i had two biopsy, from my doctor, and both times came up i had the disease, everytime they took a sample, it left me with a lesion, and i said no more, cause they didn't heal, and i was left been worst than i started.

i have no sex with my husband, cause i get even worst scratching and bleeding.

i have only used the perrin's cream complete, and what a blessing not to feel,like bug's are crawling in me again i felt instance relief right a way,please, anyone who is reading this, give it a try, i thank god i did, and i'm a prime example...... i can't believe  what it feel's like to have my life back again,it does work right away, and it stopped all my itchen.

i will be ordering more, cause i don't want to be without it, i thank god for this miracle cream

please let anyone who want's to read what i have to say about this go ahead

i have suffered along time with lichen sclerosis.  (help is on the way with this cream        may the lord bless your product*



"My specialist could not believe it, He said 'Jo you have no sign of L.S. your skin is healthy once again"

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, From Jo in England

Hi, I was diagnosed with a posteria prolapse, and while I was being examined for this the specialist found that I had Lichen Sclirosis.

After my op I looked on the internet to see if there was anything I could find to help with L.S. and I found your website. I started with the Creme Complete and then tried the Perrins Blend, but found that the Creme Complete worked better on L.S.

I went back 8wks later for my post op and my specialist could not believe it, He said " Jo you have no sign of L.S. your skin is healthy once again", he was so amazed that he asked me for all your details, so he could read about your amazing creams for himself. I would like to thank you all for this fantastic product, I am no longer sore, and have just got engaged, Thank you all once again.*

Exeter England.


"This product has exceeded all expectations."

Penile Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, from Steve in the UK

O.K. So I was diagnosed with penile lichen sclerosis about 12 years ago. Initially I was prescribed topical steroid ointments which appeared to alleviate the condition but didn't eliminate it entirely. Problem was that continued use degraded the quality of the skin around my frenulum and promoted BXO (Balanitis xerotica obliterans) resulting in a narrowing of the penile opening and a tendency for tearing and lesions to occur during sex. This had a devastating impact on my marriage and made subsequent relationships difficult.

I gave up on medical interventions for this condition (To be clear: I am not denigrating medicine or drugs companies, I have many positive experiences of "conventional" drugs and medical interventions so this is not an endorsement of homeopathy, reiki, prayer, alternative therapies in general or any other kind of woo as a way of treating disease) so decided to research my problem, while treating it experimentally with benign topical and oral products.

I used a variety of moisturising preparations, including Aloe Vera, Emu Oil, non-allergenic intense moisturisers etc. all of which helped the immediate condition but did not improve the base condition. I finally alighted on a proprietary vitamin cream available in U.K health stores which on balance had the best result and I used that for some while to control the problem. Unfortunately that product became difficult to obtain and a chance reading of the effect of vitamin D3 on auto immune conditions made me aware that this was the one ingredient that was missing to date. I found Creme Complete while looking for a better alternative, ordered some and have now been using this for a few months.

This product has exceeded all expectations. Not only has it "managed" my condition, it has significantly reversed it. I no longer have difficulty retracting my foreskin, I do not suffer lesions or pain during sex, scarring and discolouration has reduced to the point where only I would notice where it used to be. In short I am back to normal and as close to cured as I ever hoped to be.

Please note: I am a scientist, a professional skeptic an atheist and fierce defender of rational thought and the scientific process. I have absolutely no evidence that Perrin's products will work for any other condition than mine. However I have no hesitation in recommending Perrin's Creme Complete to Lichen Sclerosis sufferers. My personal experience has been life changing and there is good reason to expect the ingredients have a genuine therapeutic effect on auto-immune diseases of the skin.

Hey Perrin's people, thank you, if you want to use this as an endorsement you are more than welcome.*


"In literally under two weeks it has gone away and my skin is almost 100% back to normal."

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, From Allison in Florida

I just wanted to write to you and let you know that your Creme Complete worked wonders on Vulva Lichen Sclerosis that I was diagnosed with several months ago.  In literally under two weeks it has gone away and my skin is almost 100% back to normal.  The OB today at my visit said there was one little white spot and that was it!  What a miracle!  I am purchasing more shortly and wanted to know if it's good to use on age spots / brown spots on the arms, hands, etc?  Let me know if anyone's had success with it there, and thank you developing a product that took care of a skin disease that the whole world and internet says there is no cure for.  There is a cure.... Perrins Creme Complete!*


"Thank you so much for this product."

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, From Lynn in Georgia

I just wanted to say thank you for advertising the cream complete for lichen schlerosus. I was diagnosed via biopsy several weeks ago and was prescribed clobetasol. I have used emu oil, diaper rash creams, vitamin e oil, everything. Nothing was working. I am very blessed that I don't have the itching yet, but I have extreme redness and burning. I also have LS on my rectum and it was in horrible shape. My skin was literally peeling away leaving it raw. I also had folliculitis on my buttocks from all the steroid and aquaphor use. I started using the cream complete a little over a week ago and it has already made the LS more tolerable. It burns at times when I first put it on but I am amazed at how much better I feel already. The folliculitis is completely gone and my redness and burning is getting better. Thank you so much for this product. I pray you never stop making it. I don't want to ever be without it. *


"I have just come back from a GYN visit and concluded that everything looked good!"

Lichen Sclerosus, involving the Creme Complete, From Christine

I wanted to add this to the Lichen Sclerosus forum and to thank yourselves for the “Miracle” creams that you have been blessed to have made.
I purchased this above-mentioned cream but unfortunately received it just after ANOTHER biopsy.  So I had to wait for that to heal before I could use it.

I have continuously used it at night on a lesion as big as your little fingernail just on the inside the labia.   I had nothing to lose when ordering/using this cream as I had tried everything else including that nasty clobetosol and to anyone who is using this stuff I advise them to stop!   Use the Perrins Blend Complete instead.

I have just come back from a GYN visit and concluded that everything looked good!   I am going to post something on another site especially for Lichen Sclerosus as I am sure anyone who has suffered for over 20 yrs with this problem and had had the results from your cream as I have described, would also want to use it!*



Creme Complete

A multi-faceted approach to skin rejuvenation and restoration.

A corrective moisturizing cream for lichen sclerosus and other problematic skin conditions, containing an array of vitamins and antioxidants to encourage healthy skin growth.

A restorative, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-yeast, moisturizing cream.

Ingredients: organic cold pressed aloe vera, grape seed oil, organic beeswax, organic vegetable glycerin, organic cocoa butter, natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) in soy oil, vegetable derived emulsifying wax, organic jojoba oil, safflower oil, organic castor oil, organic honey, organic lecithin, sorbitan caprylate (natural emulsifier), vitamin C (Ethyl L Ascorbic Acid), n-acetyl cysteine, resveratrol, benzyl alcohol (natural preservative) alpha lipoic acid, sodium bicarbonate, ylang ylang oil, lavender oil, CoQ10, cream of tartar, grape seed extract, xanthan gum, rose absolute, clary sage oil, geranium oil, biotin, vitamin D, chamomile oil. Aloe Vera is 99.8% pure, containing less than 0.2% of potassium sorbate (a natural preserative,) ascorbic acid, and citric acid (for PH).



Order Now

Creme Complete Refined


Ingredient Benefits


  • Aloe Vera to calm inflammation.
  • Resveratrol to encourage healthy skin growth.
  • Vitamin C to aid in skin rejuvenation and rebuilding, and to act as an antioxidant.
  • Grapeseed oil for it's high content of linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid essential for healthy skin.
  • Essential Oils for their therapeutic and antimicrobial activity to fight bacteria, fungus, and yeast infections
  • Grape Seed Extract for it's high content of polyphenols that encourage healthy skin growth.
  • Vitamin E because it's been shown time and time again to be beneficial for the skin health.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid and CoQ10 - two essential antioxidants found naturally in our skin, and with their slow depletion with age need to be restored.

7,000 Five Star Ratings on Shopper Approved. 

4.8/5 Total Rating.

5 Stars

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Rated higher overall on ShopperApproved.com than our Competition.

What does the research say?

Antioxidants have a role in Lichen Sclerosus defense and healing.

"Therapeutic strategies using antioxidants might be a useful new approach in the treatment of LS and could also help to prevent secondary malignancies."

Research also indicates that the antioxidant Vitamin E may be useful in a long term maintenance of Lichen Sclerosus.

Our products are based on the ability of natural ingredients to encourage healthy skin growth through a variety of actions including Antioxidant.  Antioxidants are substances that work to prevent and delay cellular damage.  Antioxidants can be found in fruits and vegetables.  Many vitamins can have antioxidant properties, as well as many plant polyphenols such as grape seed extract and resveratrol.

Antioxidants we use to fight free-radical damage and promote healthy skin growth: Vitamin E, Resveratrol, CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine, Vitamin C, Grape Seed Extract.

Products Frequently Used with the Creme Complete

Nutra Cream & Perrin's Blend

Many customers use all three products or a combination, tailoring the approach to fit their specific needs.

Nutra Cream

The Mildest Cream.  A first step for severe and painful conditions.

Nutra Cream LS Perrin Naturals.jpg

Antioxidant, Moisturizing, Protective, Mild & Soothing.

 Our mildest cream, containing a variety of vitamins and antioxidants.  We recommend the Nutra Cream as a preliminary treatment to customers who suffer from severe and extremely sensitive symptoms associated with lichen sclerosus.  While the Nutra Cream has corrective properties, most customers who start with the Nutra Cream will eventually incorporate the Crème Complete, or a combination of the Crème Complete and the Perrin’s Blend.

Ingredients: Grape seed oil, organic beeswax, organic aloe vera, safflower oil, almond oil, organic castor oil, natural vitamin E in soy oil, organic honey, organic vegetable glycerin, organic olive oil, organic lecithin, sorbitan caprylate (natural emulsifier), lavender oil, benzyl alcohol (natural antimicrobial), grape seed extract, vitamin C (ethyl l ascorbic acid), alpha lipoid acid, N-acetyl cysteine, sodium bicarbonate, cream of tartar, peppermint oil, lemon oil, biotin, vitamin D3, vitamin A.  Aloe vera contains less than .5% of potassium sorbate (natural anti-fungal) and citric acid (for PH).


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Perrin's Blend

The Strongest Approach.  Often used as a night treatment.

Perrins Blend LS Perrin Naturals.jpg

An all natural ointment to correct abnormal skin growth.


 The most aggressive approach to correct Lichen Sclerosus, Perrin’s Blend is a thick, sticky, burgundy colored ointment originally used to treat skin lesions.  It is not a spreadable cream.  Many customers choose to use only the Crème Complete but others choose to incorporate the Perrin’s Blend as a night treatment.  Some customers mix the Crème Complete with the Perrin’s Blend.

Ingredients: Organic honey, grape seed extract, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), D-alpha tocopheral (natural vitamin E, NAC (N-acetyl cysteine), grape seed oil, alpha lipoic acid.


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Creme Complete and Perrin's Blend 

Special Price 

Save $14.  Discounted to $94.98

Creme Complete Refined, Perrin's Blend

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 Creme Complete, Nutra Cream, Perrin's Blend - Special Price 

Save $15.  Discounted to $131.97

Creme Complete Refined, Nutra Cream, Perrin's Blend for Lichen Sclerosus

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Perrin's Cream: Natural Treatment for Skin Lesions, Basal Cell Carcinoma, Lichen Sclerosus, Actinic Keratosis. Creme Complete and Perrin's Blend
$94.98 (savings of $12.00)
Perrin Naturals Order Now

Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus | Creme Complete, Perrins Blend, Nutra Cream
$131.97 (savings of $14.00)
Perrin Naturals Order Now

Natural Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus, Actinic Keratosis
$93.98 (savings of $12.00)
Perrin Naturals Order Now


  • Application frequency varies. Customers who use the Crème Complete and Nutra Cream for lichen sclerosus will apply the products anywhere from 2-6 times daily.  
  • Customers who use the Perrin’s Blend for Lichen Sclerosus will normally use it as a night treatment, or mix it with the Crème Complete to make it more spreadable.
  • The Nutra Cream is used as a preliminary treatment and skin conditioner for those who suffer from severe and painful Lichen Sclerosus.

We encourage our customers to read the Frequently Asked Questions Concerning Lichen Sclerosus, addressed and answered by Judy Perrin (located at the bottom of this page) - based on her communication and conversations with countless individuals who suffer from LS.

  • Some customers experience a complete remission of their LS symptoms.  If a complete remission occurs, we still encourage our customers to continue to use the Crème Complete periodically to help to control the symptoms.
  • We encourage our customers to read the testimonies we receive to gain an understanding of how others have used these products and the results they have had.  We do not edit any of the testimonies.

Suggestions from Judy Perrin, Co-Founder of Perrin Naturals

A Frequently Asked Question concerning Lichen Sclerosus.

What products do you need for Lichen Sclerosus?  

Many have called and emailed asking what to order for Lichen Sclerosus.

In order to answer this I have written in detail, from my knowledge about the products and from customer input, about this subject.

Possibly the strongest attack against the disease, Perrin’s Blend, is a sticky ointment    By far it contains the highest concentration of the antioxidants Vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) and Grape Seed Extract, and Honey than any of our other products.  For this reason it is possibly the most aggressive against Lichen Sclerosis (LS), yet if person is very raw and irritated, Perrin's Blend might be too harsh to start with because of the burning it might cause.

If ordering only one product for LS, I suggest starting with Creme Complete, our moisturizing cream highest in antioxidant concentration (excluding the Perrin’s Blend) and also diversity, containing CoQ10 and Resveratrol.   Although it might also burn it would be less intense.  

Some who have been severely irritated have begun with Nutra Cream, our mildest cream, for a few days before even beginning with Creme Complete.  Nutra Cream, although higher in grape-seed extract than Crème Complete, contains less of the burning antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and NAC.  It is a thicker cream, thereby creating more of a protective shield against urination stinging and itching.  

I first suggested using Nutra Cream to a mother with a ten-year-old daughter with LS.  Within 3 days of using the Nutra Cream the mother called to say her daughter's intense itching had stopped and the skin looked healthier.  We don’t have this mother’s report on our Web site, but she wrote a testimony for Oprah's forum for LS that you can read by going there.   Another lady who was so badly inflamed that even using bathroom tissue caused bleeding, also started with Nutra Cream and has reported very good results.

Even though our products don't usually burn on any other skin areas, almost any thing used in such a delicate area might cause burning. Most customers tell us that the burning subsides within 10-20 minutes and then they experience relief.  Some have reported that after a few days it doesn't burn anymore.  We have received only two reports of the products being too intense that they had to stop use.  I wrote about this earlier, which you probably read.

Many order two products to start with - Perrin’s Blend and Cream Complete - beginning first with Creme Complete, using it for a few days before introducing Perrin's Blend.  If ordering these two together, be sure to scroll down to the on-line store to get the combination special price.

Some include Nutra Cream in their order and begin with it (depending on the degree of initial irritation).  If ordering all three products, I suggest starting with Nutra Cream – it can be used anytime relief is needed – to hopefully help with rawness and irritation.    Within 24-48 hours start applying Crème Complete up to 4 times daily for several days, especially applying well at bedtime before graduating to Perrin’s Blend.  Then start using Perrin’s Blend at night.  Perrin's Blend, being in a base or raw honey, is a sticky ointment and would probably be uncomfortable for day use.  It also stains fabrics. The first person, Roberta, who ordered for Lichen Sclerosis (LS) used it at night and then used Creme Complete during the day.

Although Creme Complete and Nutra Cream both contain some honey, they are spreadable creams for overall use while Perrin's Blend was designed for use in a small area (such as a lesion) and is hard to spread.  It is thick and might need to be thinned by adding a small amount of pure honey for spreading over such a tender area for LS.  A pad may be needed because of the staining.

-Your order selection should depend on the extent of your condition and how aggressively you want to start.  Because everyone is different we know that nothing  (not even a prescribed medicines) always work the same for everyone and that no one has a magic formula that brings the same successful results for every single person, yet we are grateful to receive so many positive reports from people being helped.  Hopefully this information will help you decide what you need and you, too, can find relief from this disease.

Judy Perrin

Visit our Forum and Support Group dedicated to Lichen Sclerosus



†None of the statements on this website have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the products sold on this website are meant to cure, prevent, or diagnose any disease. Discontinue use of any product on this website if irritation occurs. We do not suggest anyone use these products instead of seeing a licensed medical professional.

†The information provided on this website should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.

Results may vary from using Perrin’s Blend™, Creme Complete™ and any of our other products. Here at Perrin Naturals® Perrin's Products Inc., we cannot and do not guarantee results. We cannot and do not diagnose ailments. We can only report what others say our products have done for them, and in some cases get their testimony on video or in written from. Since we began selling Perrin’s Blend in 2005 we have had a product return rate of less than 1% or less than 1 in every 100 orders. This also applies to the Creme Complete™ as well as our other products.

All the Testimonies are real and received without solicitation or compensation. We enjoy sharing the testimonies we receive with others. We are happy when we know our products have helped others and we love to share this information. We also believe the feedback we receive from customers helps to guide others to make the better choice concerning how they use our products. We provide products to the public that we ourselves use and consume. Our goal is to help improve people's lives.

We only offer you products we use ourselves.

Our Goal Is To Help Others.
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. III John, verse 2