Possible Basal Cell Carcinoma, From Jim in Texas.

Judy, Your product (Perrins Blend) has been a real blessing. The first order for what I believe was a cancerous basil cell carcinoma. Used the blend for probable 5 months on this, and removed the problem completely. Had tried everything on this and was never able to do any good until your blend. It had been forming for, I guess, two years. Now, can't even tell where it was. Then a few months ago a troublesome spot was felt on the back of my head, but could not be seen because it was under my hair. Actually, have never been able to see this spot, but felt it wise to suspect it cancerous. Had to have my wife shave hair arould this area, and began applying blend. This spot is now almost gone, and feels so much better. Funny thing about this spot. Each time when blend was applied, after two or three hours, quite a bit of watery fluid would drain from the spot. It has been doing this up until just recently. Sorry, no pictures.

Happy to recommend Perrins Blend.

May God bless you and James.