Your privacy is important to us.

Directly from us.

Ordering Products Online:

We only collect information pertaining to your order. We ask for phone numbers and email addresses in order to contact you if we have a question about your order. We do not keep credit card information on file. We do not share your information with any individual or company that is not directly involved in the processing of your order and payment.


Email Newsletter:

When you opt into our Email Newsletter you will receive an email from us once every 2-3 weeks with various sales and promotions. Occasionally there may be a newsletter more often, but our standard is one email every 2-3 weeks. There are various ways to opt in to the email newsletter, including when you place an order. You have the option to opt in or opt out when making a purchase.


Google Analytics:

We use Google Analytics in order to better understand our internet traffic. There is no personal information collected during this process. There are only general statistics collected as it relates to site behavior and traffic. For instance, we may see that more people get to our site when searching for a certain term, but we have no idea who specifically those people are. We may see that more people come to our site from a specific city than anywhere else. Or, that our conversion rates from a specific country are low. Google Analytics helps us to keep prices down by better understanding organic internet traffic.


In more technical and legal terms: